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The Supermarket – A Film by Rhonda Mitrani

By August 5, 2016September 1st, 2016Film

I am so excited to be part of Rhonda Mitrani’s film, The Supermarket, in which a supermarket transforms into a universe about pregnancy when a preoccupied woman dashes in & discovers she’s pregnant with no way out. I played Hope, a woman who finds meaning in the accoutrements of motherhood. It was one of the most enjoyable roles I have gotten to play.

This week, Rhonda met and exceeded her Kickstarter campaign of $12K for post-production, so I’m super excited that the finished film should be hitting festivals this fall!

Supermarket is a playful story about what women confront the moment they realize they’re pregnant: a complex economic system engineered to capitalize on birth and toddlerhood — all of which makes it shockingly easy to forget the simple miracle of creating a life.

This film invites you to go on a journey through a rabbit hole to get a glimpse of what goes through Jasmine’s mind at the first moment she discovers she’s pregnant.

Read more on the Supermarket Kickstarter Page
Supermarket on Facebook

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